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Sunday, 30 January 2011

The Ladybeard Project

Following a declaration that I intend to collect my own hair (from my hairbrush) for a month and knit something out of it (my self-imposed ban on buying yarn is clearly making me look for yarn in non-yarny places) I was challenged by a non-yarny to make a beard hat (not from the hair) and post photographic evidence that I'd worn it in public.

>rub hands with glee

Public nonsense interbred with knit-bosh.  This kind of thing comes with a "Made 'for' Tricoteuse" label on it.  I am SO my beardhat....refusing to explain. Just think of the confuddlement you'll inspire.

However!  I decided that the joy of the knit-bosh shouldn't be hoarded all to my should be shared, like pie and boxed wine.

So, come hither, come into my lair, with my knitted hair and show some flair at the old faux face fur parade.

My first thought was "Oooh, let's make a day of it - Bearded Lady Day?  LADYBEARD DAY!!!" but I realised that not everyone knits at the same speed and there could be some competitive stress or twiddling of thumbs.  So here we have The Ladybeard Project.

Take your time.  Fit it in with your other projects but at some point soon, make your beardhat and go forth into the muggle world adorned in your furriness with your favourite pet photographer and send me the evidence to mount up for all eternity on this fangled tinterweb.

Knit pattern:
Crochet pattern:

I'm so excited I might even book a mock-shave in the local barber's establishment.

Endnote:  I'm not a sexist knit-freak.  I know there are gents with agile digits and I don't want to exclude.  So gentlemen, even if you have ample face fur, you may join the party, but you have to wear a dress.


  1. The crochet version shows a LONG "beard". How do I modify that to make this "fitted" beard?

  2. Sorry Nancy, I completely missed this post.
    It doesn't matter what kind of beard you make. You can use any pattern you like. I would suggest decreasing at each edge as the beard edge nears your chin.

    The beard part on the above picture looks fairly simple - straight crochet with a chain and skipped stitched where the mouth goes. Tache tacked on after and then attached to a hat.
